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A Corrupt Government and World

Writer's picture: gordondeleeconsultgordondeleeconsult

A Corrupt Government, America and World. Keeping the Power of the Wealthy Whilst Destroying and Controlling the Minds and the Lives of the Poor and Impoverished Human Beings.

By Marjorie A. Gordon-DeLee, MA (January 21, 2019)

President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free." (Archives,gov)

Now in 2019, White America (Corporate America) are employing more and more Mexicans to perform the lower wage labor jobs once performed by the Black people in America, paying them even less than they are paying Black people and also with the change in technology over the years, they are replacing more and more Black people in the Retail business and manufacturing industries using self-check-out stands to perform the once held duties of Black people. In these low paying jobs, the Blacks are also highly discriminated against as well in not receiving adequate pay for benefits for a job well done or for the length of time they have been on the job itself.

This America is in much more trouble than the vast amount of people even understand. The problems that is facing is not black and white. There is so much more to our problems that exist in America and throughout this world on today. Take heed as you read this document because it is extremely important to your entire life, your existence on this earth, and your children and families existence on this earth as a whole.

When America became know as the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” people gained more and more knowledge and difficult to control in the workforce. Therefore, Corrupt America enhanced a plan that would be more disruptive to the people of this world. This plan as to take a major stance on controling the minds of the people of this world to do whatever the powers beyond wanted them to do.

Thee powers placed groups of people inn different genres in life. There are the homeless, there are the haves and the have nots, there are those who commit crimes and are controlled through the penal system, there are families who are controlled through pitting one person against the other so that the family bonds can no longer exist further in this life. More people are choosing to stand alone which make it worse for that individual person to gain control of their own life. There is power in numbers.

The world of the White Supremacist was once able to control the Slaves as I said earlier with a book that was provided to all Slave Masters using the Holy Bible as a form of judgement placed upon people to abide by to remain morally correct and when the people did not live their lives with the morals that the Holy Bible used as living a moral life with values embedded in the Bible to control people they were condemned of wrong doing, shamed, humiliated, beaten down in their spirit man to the lowest common denominator as worthless person (to look like a worthless piece of sh*t in the eyes of others to lower that person’s self-esteem and self-worth. This did not contribute to motivating and encouraging the person to be a better person or to have a better life but to reduce what dignity they had in themselves after not abiding by the scriptures in the Bible.

The Demons, Demonic forces, or Satanic forces, however one wishes to describe these devils, sole purpose is to take over everyone’s mind, body and souls to control humanity all together and the financial powers of this entire world.

We need people to start reading again. Leave those cell phones alone texting all the time and watching videos that is not adding anything of value that forms a purpose for your being here on earth.

Educate yourself. Do not take anyone’s word as the gospel truth. Your mother, father, brother, sister, or friends. Satan will work through the closest people to you to bring you down. Watch what you tell them because Satan will have the upper hand and know your next move.

We are going through the worse period now in the history of this world and if we do not have people to start paying attention to their surroundings, staying focused, and regain their true self again, their born identity (personalities and behaviors) in this world, the freedom that people have known to make our own choices in life will be taken away from each and every one of us.

Have you ever thought that things were blocking your success in life? That every turn that you made to better yourself, something interferes and you were unable to move just a little further than you were upward? Or, why can other people get ahead and I cannot? Why does it appear that a vast number of White people (if you are White and poor this does not apply to you) just have it all together? Well, I can tell you right now, it is not because they are smarter than you are, it is that they are working for Satan as his little helpers in the form of Witches, Warlocks, Sorcerers ( to bring down the Black person or anyone whom they believe is not worthy of success or power.

Sorcerer vs Wizard

There’s so much confusion going on when distinguishing several personas of magic. Mages, witches, sorcerers, and wizards, among others, are collectively known in the fantasy genre as magicians. However, different cultures with mythical accounts and even video games having these magicians as characters further cloud the distinctions between them.

In the case of the sorcerer and the wizard, the first thing that most readers, moviegoers, gamers, and other persons from different walks of life will notice is the appearance. Wizards are usually pictured as having a long beard, old aged, wearing simple attire while sorcerers are seen as attractive beings of magic that are beautiful and usually more good-looking than the former. To add, sorcerers in both the factual and fantasy aspect usually appear younger than the seasoned wizards.
According to other sources, sorcerers are said to be able to draw out the mystic energies surrounding them and from within them. They are inherently talented persons of magic that are adept to controlling or channeling magical energy. That’s why sorcerers are dubbed as natural spell casters because of their talents in the magical arts. Other races, not only human, can become a sorcerer.
Etymologically, wizard is a term derived from the Anglo-Saxon (Old English) term “wysard,” which means “the wise one.” They are often depicted as beings that do a formal study about spells for them to be able to cast them. The word “sorcerer,” by contrast, is of Old French origin “sorcier” which also means the same thing as its other counterpart.
Based on popular fantasy games such as “Dungeons and Dragons,” the two beings are character classes that the gamer can choose to play. Sorcerers, in this game, appear to be a blaster-type magician who repeatedly blasts magic towards the enemies. On the contrary, wizards take good care of their spell books as it is synonymous to their lives. The absence of such will make them vulnerable and unable to use spells unlike sorcerers who can still create magic from thin air (

There is one very important thing that we all must put at thr very top of our responsibilities in this life and that is to maintain human race as we were born into this world. Nothing is more important during this time in history than preserving what God or Mother Nature has given to this earth. It does not matter what your religious affiliation is, we are in a fight now for humanity and we all must be in this together and show these Demons that the manipulative tactics that they have been using and are currently still using will not destroy humanity.

It is time now to share some vital research for everyone to read, educate yourself, and get into action in making this world better. We have rights as human beings. We are not machines or robots to be controlled and tossed around like a set of Muppets on a string. I am appalled finding all of this and knowing that my family has be violated by these monsters who work through other people to do their evil work. They follow you around and launch attacks against you through their wizardry and succory. This is inhumane treatment and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and all of the other Activitist and Advocates who worked hard and gave their lives and those who endured much pain and suffering are rolling over in their graves now I am sure.

As a result of what research provides to it’s researchers in this world, not all literature will be agreed upon. What the researcher is charged to do is to read a combination of literature, then sit down and ponder every word and every idea that one has in their memory bank. Take that vision of all this literature and make a determination through this new knowledge that you have gained and begin to put a process in place to make a contribution in making this world a place for all human beings to live in maintaining their given human right to make their own choices and not be controlled by Demonic forces.

Investigate those things that appear to be far fetch, you never know what you might discover through your due diligence in doing so.

Allow me to share a fragment of what was discovered through recent research::

Sigmund Freud-The Conscious Mind:

In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the conscious mind consists of everything inside of our awareness. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about in a rational way. The conscious mind includes such things as the sensations, perceptions, memories, feeling, and fantasies inside of our current awareness (

Freud's Three Levels of Mind

Freud delineated the mind in the distinct levels, each with their own roles and functions:

The preconscious consists of anything that could potentially be brought into the conscious mind.The conscious mind contains all of the thoughts, memories, feelings, and wishes of which we are aware at any given moment. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. This also includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily and brought into awareness.The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict.
Freud likened the three levels of mind to an iceberg. The top of the iceberg that you can see above the water represents the conscious mind. The part of the iceberg that is submerged below the water but is still visible is the preconscious. The bulk of the iceberg that lies unseen beneath the waterline represents the unconscious (

Freud’s Structure of the Human Mind

According to Freud, our personality develops from the interactions among what he proposed as the three fundamental structures of the human mind: the id, ego, and superego. Conflicts among these three structures, and our efforts to find balance among what each of them “desires,” determines how we behave and approach the world. What balance we strike in any given situation determines how we will resolve the conflict between two overarching behavioral tendencies: our biological aggressive and pleasure-seeking drives vs. our socialized internal control over those drives.


Conflict within the mind: According to Freud, the job of the ego is to balance the aggressive/pleasure-seeking drives of the id with the moral control of the superego (

Phenomenal field theory

Is a contribution to the psychology of personality proposed by Donald Snygg and Arthur W. Combs.[1][2] According to this theory, all behavior is determined by the conscious self, described as "the phenomenal field" of the behaving organism, and can only be understood if the researcher sees the world through the individual's eyes and mind. As the saying goes "You cannot understand a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes".

The phenomenal field (or self) is our subjective reality, all that we are aware of, the "field" of our experiences, including objects and people, and our behaviors, thoughts, images, and ideas like justice, equality, and so on. Snygg and Combs emphasize that self is the true subject-matter for psychology.

According to the authors, motivation is "the basic need of everyone to preserve and enhance the phenomenal self, and the characteristics of all parts of the field are governed by this need".

Learning takes place through differentiation, being a matter of improving the quality of one's experiences by extracting some meaningful detail from the confusion that surrounds us.[1]


Psychopathology is caused by a threat, which is the awareness of a menace to the phenomenal self. If the person reacts appropriately to the threat, mental health is preserved. If not, the threat leads to defenses, neurotic and psychotic symptoms, and even criminal behavior. Consequently, psychotherapy consists of freeing clients from unappropriate perceptions, behaviors, cognitions, and emotions they have set up to protect themselves from threat (


3. Pains, Feelings, Emotions, and Moods.

Up to this point I have focused exclusively on conscious perceptual experiences, mental episodes that are of things--whatever objects and properties we are, in having the experience, made aware of. Perceptual experiences are being identified with internal states having properties (e.g., P ) that make them p-awarenesses, experiences, of the properties (e.g., P) that external objects have. Something, e , in my head having the property P (a property that is not movement) constitutes my awareness of movement (P). I can become f-aware that something in me has P by an awareness of P. If e 's having P is caused by a pumpkin having P (i.e., by the movement of a pumpkin), then I am aware of a pumpkin's movement. I see it move. If there is no such object, I am aware of movement without being aware of any moving object and, thus, without being aware of any object's movement. I hallucinate or imagine something moving.

This account works nicely enough for phenomenal experiences that are, in some ordinary sense, of or about things (mental states the having of which makes us perceptually aware of things). For this reason it is tempting to try extending the account to mental states that are, in some related (but, perhaps, different) sense, also of or about things: beliefs, desires, intentions, hopes, and, in general, the propositional attitudes. Just as my experience of movement has a property that makes it a p-awareness of movement, perhaps my belief (i.e., my f-awareness) that some object, o, is moving is, likewise, an internal state having a property, B (not itself movement), a property the having of which makes an internal state into a conceptual representation or depiction (i.e., an f-awareness) of movement. Just as the English word "movement" need not itself be moving in order to figure in a representation of something as moving (e.g., a sentence), so too, perhaps, there are symbols (concepts?) in the head that do not (or need not) have the properties they represent objects as having. If this were so, then thoughts, just as experiences, would be mental states that would not (or need not) have the properties we become f-aware of in having these thoughts.

If this were so, then we could tell the same story about awareness of these states that we told about our f-awareness of perceptual experiences. We become f-aware that we are having thoughts about movement (internal states with B ) by actually thinking about movement. It is the movement we think about--the content of our thought--that (when we introspect) "tells us" what we are thinking about and, hence, if we understand what thinking amounts to, that we are thinking about movement (not color or shape). Just as I reach the f-awareness that I am experiencing movement from a p-awareness of movement, so too I reach an f-awareness that I am thinking that o moves from an f-awareness that o is moving.15

I will not pursue this line of thought any further here since it seems like a more or less obvious extension of the present theory, and there are much more difficult problems to face. This treatment of belief, judgment, and thought is, I think, merely a version of the view that Tyler Burge has promoted about the introspective accessibility of externally grounded belief content. Burge's idea is that my second order belief (the content of which is that I believe o moves) inherits the conceptual content MOVES from the content (that o moves) of my first order belief. Hence, if I really do believe (1st level) that o moves, I must be right in thinking (2nd level) that that (viz., that o moves) is what I think. The present theory is a version of this idea since a (2nd level) f-awareness that I am aware (at the first level) that o moves is privileged because the property (viz., movement) I am (1st level) f-aware of (= believe something has) "tells me" more or less infallibly what content-property my 1st level belief has--viz., M , a conceptual awareness that something is moving.

Unlike the propositional attitudes, though, there are a great many mental states (emotions, moods, and so forth) that, unlike experiences and thoughts (both of which seem representational at some level), do not, at least not on the surface, make us aware of anything (either of objects, properties, or facts). And it is these states that pose the real problem for the present account. When I am hungry, have a splitting headache, or am depressed, for instance, I seem to be aware of mental objects (the hunger, the ache, the depression) and their properties (the headache is splitting, the hunger gnawing, the depression constant). Surely in such cases I am aware not only of the fact that I have certain feelings or am in a certain mood, but also aware of the feelings and moods themselves--the pain, the hunger, the depression.

This, I concede, is a natural way to talk about feelings, emotions, and moods. What I think worth questioning, though, is whether this way of talking doesn't embody a confusion between awareness of something (an act) and the something of which we are aware (the object of that act)--a confusion that is fostered by a failure to distinguish between the different things we can be aware of. Why suppose, for instance, that feelings of hunger are internal mental objects (i.e., conditions, states) we are o-aware of and not awarenesses (i.e., experiences) of certain internal (non-mental) objects--a chemical state of the blood, say? Just as we conceived of visual experiences as internal states having the property of being awarenesses of P (for some P of an external o), why can't hunger be similarly conceived of as an internal experience (a p-awareness) of the properties of an internal o? Why can't an itch in one's arm be thought of not as something in the arm (brain?) one is o-aware of, but an o-awareness (in the head) of a physical state of the arm? Why can't we, following Damasio (1994), conceive of emotions, feelings, and moods as perception of chemical, hormonal, visceral, and muscuoskeletal states of the body?

This way of thinking about pains, itches, tickles, and other bodily sensations puts them in exactly the same category as the experiences we have when we are made perceptually aware of our environment. The only difference is that bodily sensations are the experiences we have of objects in the body (the stomach, the head, the joints, etc.), not objects outside the body. What gives these sensations their phenomenal character, the qualities we use, subjectively, to individuate them, are the properties these experiences are experiences of, the properties (of various parts of the body) that these experiences make us p-aware of (irritation, inflammation, time of onset, injury, strain, distension, intensity, chemical imbalance, and so on). What gives a (veridical) visual experience of an orange pumpkin its particular quality ( P ) are the qualities of the pumpkin (viz., P) that this experience (in virtue of being P ) is an experience of. Likewise, what gives headaches their particular quality (what distinguishes them from pains in the back, itches, thirst, anger or fear) are the properties (and these include locational properties) that these experiences are p-awarenesses of. Just as one becomes aware of external objects in having visual and olfactory experiences, so one becomes aware of various parts of the body (and the properties of these parts) in having bodily sensations--e.g., pain. Having a headache is not an awareness--certainly not an o-awareness--of a mental entity: a pain in the head. The only awareness one has of pain is an f-awareness that one has it. In saying that one feels pain what one is really saying is not that one is o-aware of something mental (viz., a pain)--but that one feels (is aware of) a part of the body the feeling (awareness) of which is painful (is pain). Once again, the phenomenal qualities (= qualia) of these mental states are not the properties of those parts of the body one becomes p-aware of in occupying these states. They are, instead, awarenesses (= S) of these properties (P). We do not have to be aware of the state ( e ) itself (or its properties S ) to be aware--authoritatively aware--that we occupy a state of that phenomenal kind. P gives our conscious awareness its phenomenal character and tells us what kind of experience we are having.

But can such an account possibly work for all experiences--for love and hatred, joy and depression, ennui and anxiety? Even if such feelings are not all properly classified as "experiences," they all seem to have an associated phenomenology that calls out for explanation. Can what-it-is-like to have these feelings or experiences always be interpreted (using the model of perceptual experiences) not as internal objects we are o-aware of, but as awarenesses of the properties of internal objects? Can the entire phenomenology of the conscious mind be boiled down to the properties (of bodily parts and external objects) that we are p-aware of in having these experiences?

Whether it can or not, this is clearly the direction suggested by our analysis of perceptual experience. It may turn out, of course, that even if our account of perceptual experience is on target, perceptual experiences are unique. Other feelings, moods, and emotions--itches, pains, hunger, anger, jealousy, pleasure, and anxiety--may have a phenomenal character that they get from other sources. If the story I have told about perceptual experience is plausible, though, it is tempting to try extending it to other qualia-laden mental states along similar lines. I leave the argument that it can be so extended to another time.

Scientology definition:

A religious system based on the seeking of self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment through graded courses of study and training. It was founded by American science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard (1911–86) in 1955.
What is it that Scientologists believe?
The Church of Scientology says that a human is an immortal, spiritual being (thetan) that is resident in a physical body. The thetan has had innumerable past lives and it is observed in advanced Scientology texts that lives preceding the thetan's arrival on Earth were lived in extraterrestrial cultures (

Ask Mystic Investigations

What’s the difference between witches, warlocks, wizards and sorcerers?
What are witches?
Witches can be a common person who learns Witchcraft on their own from sacred text, from other witches, or at a magic school. These type of witches seem to be less powerful. Especially if no natural magical ability is present. The most powerful tend to be hereditary witches who come from a family line of witches or magical practitioners in general…..Those natural born witches has the ability to more easily master witchcraft and cast extremely powerful spells including one’s they’ve conjured up on their own.
What is Witchcraft?
Witches usually start out practicing the healing arts through herbology, homeopathic medicine, and other alternative remedies. Many without much magical ability tend to stick with this noble practice of healing others, and some become midwives. Many practices the Wicca religion, although some only practice the religion and never attain magical powers. The mystical art of witchcraft is based on being in tune with Mother Nature, and the ability to implore earthly deities to impact power upon them. These can be Fairies, Nymphs, Gods and Goddesses just to name a few. From these enchanted energized entities witches derive some, or all of their power through the form of spells, incantations, rituals, divinations, summoning, charms, and potions….

Life’s purpose rests in our mind’s spectacular drive to extract meaning from the world

What is the purpose of life? Whatever you may think is the answer, you might, from time to time at least, find your own definition unsatisfactory. After all, how can one say why any living creature is on Earth in just one simple phrase?
For me, looking back on 18 years of research into how the human brain handles language, there seems to be only one, solid, resilient thread that prevails over all others. Humanity’s purpose rests in the spectacular drive of our minds to extract meaning from the world around us.
For many scientists, this drive to find sense guides every step they take, it defines everything that they do or say. Understanding nature and constantly striving to explain its underpinning principles, rules and mechanisms is the essence of the scientist’s existence. And this can be considered the most simplified version of their life’s purpose.
But this isn’t something that just applies to the scientifically minded. When examining a healthy sample of human minds using techniques such as brain imaging and EEG, the brain’s relentless obsession with extracting meaning from everything has been found in all kinds of people regardless of status, education, or location.

Beyond words

The drive of humans to understand is not limited to just language, however. Our species appears to be guided by this profound and inexorable impulse to understand the world in every aspect of our lives. In other words, the goal of our existence ultimately seems to be achieving a full understanding of this same existence, a kind of kaleidoscopic infinity loop in which our mind is trapped, from the emergence of proto-consciousness in the womb, all the way to our deathbed.
The proposal is compatible with theoretical standpoints in quantum physics and astrophysics, under the impetus of great scientists like John Archibald Wheeler, who proposed that information is the very essence of existence (“it for bit” – perhaps the best ever attempt to account for all meaning in the universe in one simple phrase).
Information – that is atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, societies – is self-obsessed, constantly looking for meaning in the mirror, like Narcissus looking at the reflection of the self, like the molecular biologist’s DNA playing with itself under the microscope, like AI scientists trying to give robots all the features that would make them indistinguishable from themselves.
Perhaps it does not matter if you find this proposal satisfying, because getting the answer to what the purpose of life is would equate to making your life purposeless. And who would want that (Theconversation,com).

Reference (2018). Emancipation Proclamation. Retrieved on January 21, 2019 from

Cherry, K., (2018). The Role of the Conscious Mind. Retrieved on January 21, 2019 from

Dretske, F. (n.d.). The mind’s awareness of itself. Retrieved on January 21, 2019 from, (2018). Life’s purpose rests in our mind’s spectacular drive to extract meaning from the world. Retrieved on January 21, 2019 from (n.d.). Ask Mystic Investigations. Retrieved on January 21, 2019 from (n.d.). What is it tht Scientologist believe? Retrieved on January 21, 2019 from (n.d.) Phenomenal field theory. Retrieved January 12, 2019 from (n.d.). Scientology. Retrieved on January 21, 2019 from (n.d.). The conscious mind. Retrieved January 21, 2019 from (n.d.) Freud’s Three Level of Mind. Retrieved on January 21, 2019 from (n.d.). Difference between sorcerer and izard. Retrieved on January 21, 2019 from

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