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African Americans learning from our people of Africa

By Marjorie A. Gordon-DeLee, MA (December 8, 2018)

Our African Ancestors came to the United States of America, not on their own will, but by force to work as free labor to build this America that we know of today. It was our Ancestors blood, sweat, and tears that went into building this land, never enjoying a comfortable life or a decent life as far as their right as a human being.

Since Slavery abolished in 1865 in American (, African Americans have never been totally free to enjoy their lives with equality, dignity, fairness, nor equal treatment. To be quite honest, we have continued to work here in this United States of America as free labor, many Blacks living in substandard housing, and never receiving the fullness of life living on this earth as a free human being should live. Every single human being has that right to receive all that life has to offer equally.

If we, as Black people, take a couple of steps forward in our strive for improvement in our lives, we are then knocked back down again a peg or two so that we will never gain any momentum for ourselves nor our current families or for our future generation to come. A Black man cannot seem to get ahead in American without those powerful rich White men bringing them down before the presence of his family and all who have been inspired by his strength. Case in point would be Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcom X.

Granted, that goes for the Black woman as well, we cannot leave the Black woman out of the equation. When the Black man is knocked down, the Black woman is left to take care of the household and the children on a extremely low income wage that is barely enough to put food on the tables, less more pay the rent which is a never ending battle with lots of anxiety and stress. These unnecessary setbacks wear down the Black woman mentally and physically.

These are the all the setbacks the African Americans have had to deal with since Slavery ended and “said” that our Ancestors were free but never were.

However, reviewing the literature of all the progress that the country of Africa has made over the centuries is inspiring. This goes to show the intellect, strength, and power of our people of African where our Ancestor was taken from. We, as African Americans can learn a lot from the entrepreneurship, management of the country of Africa, educating their youth, and controlling their own destinies.

The research has disclosed that this will be the largest museum of black civilization opening in the capital of Dakar in Senegal ( And reported in the research on the museum in Senegal is the fact that it is capable of competing with the National Museum of African American History in Washington, DC. ( This museum in Senegal is said to tell the story of the trade in human beings and also showcase the many artifacts of the country of Africa; some that they have had to bargain to retrieve back from other countries. But what is most important is that this museum of black civilization has been built in Africa by the people of Africa as our history.

What is most important as far as developing the youth, Africa has a plan established for the emerging of entrepreneurship in their youth. With the large population of unemployment reported to be across the continent of Africa, this program, YAS! (Youth for Africa and SDGs) ( - short for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

As African Americans, we need to start changing our viewpoints on how we are going to make a living, a life, for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren. It is obvious, and has been obvious for quite some time that as long as those who are in the power, White Supremacist, large corporations, the big money moguls, they are going to do whatever is necessary to remain in power using their money and power to do whatever is necessary to keep the African Americans down. We can either fight back or remain as cowards because we have been beaten down for so long for so many years. Our African descendants were captured and brought to American against their will and were powerful warriors. The White Supremacist beat that out of them for the most part to weaken them. This is a new day and it is up to us to take this stand now, and show our children the right way to fight, as our descendants in Africa, and to develop our own businesses for our communities.

Africa has also organized to capture the many skills of the people in their own communities. They are working together, to impart the knowledge, training of local talent to support growth. It all comes to working together for a common good for the betterment of all the people and not just one or some. Everyone can benefit if we all would learn how to work together as they are successfully doing in Africa. Please read the passage below:

Every organisation should be putting its money where its people are and bringing up skills alongside opportunities
Footprint Africa Business Solutions (FABS) is committed to working with local talent – imparting knowledge and training local talent to support growth. It’s a company focused on using local skills and organisations to ensure that IT solutions are effectively maintained and managed. It is also a company that pays attention to not only curating skilled individuals and organisations but to providing opportunity.
“Africa is not the poor, forgotten child in the world that needs a handout – we drive the narrative and we have the ability to lead the way both locally and internationally,” says Karien Bornheim, founder and CEO, FABS. “Already there are remarkable solutions that have leaped from Africa into the global marketplace. The challenges we face here are an opportunity to innovate for a change. This is why FABS has a very clear philosophy – we are not just about IT, we are focused on making a difference (Skills. Local is essential.”

In American, we have so much more opportunity, many talented people in our African American communities; so, we all need to work together so that our youth will have that start that they need to build a business and bring about boundless generational changes right here in the United States of America for Black people.

Resources: World’s Largest Museum Dedicated To Black Civilizations Opens In Senegal. Retrieved December 8, 2018 from

Skills. Skills. Local is essential. Retrieved December 8, 2018 from Sustainable Youth Entrepreneurship In Africa Is Good For Business. Retrieved December 8, 2018 from Slavery Abolished in America. Retrieved on December 8, 2018 from

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