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Racial Injustice and Demonic Forces and the establishment of the “Democratic Black Caucus of SC

Updated: Aug 16, 2018

By Marjorie A. Gordon-DeLee, Thursday, August 16, 2018

You may want to believe that I come to you babbling, but each message that I bring to you is detrimental to you and your children.

As we all know, we have a racial divide in this Nation. Every race still making attempts to hold onto to their ethnic culture: Whites, Blacks, Asians, Italians, Hispanics, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hawaiian, Muslims, Indians. This is not all by choice, there is a Demonic Influence that is causing these groups of people to be in separation of one another, to be in opposition: That is to be or show as enemies, competitors, rival, antagonism, hostility, disagreement, obstruction, disapproval, unfriendliness, resistance, conflict, and challengers.

A prime example is within the video clipping of the salon owner viciously attacking the customer because of a botched manicure back in March of 2017 ( Then there was the video showing the Florida woman going on a racist tirade in a nail salon yelling at one of the employees about not speaking the English language and telling the employee that their language sounds nasty whilst sitting in the chair having her nails done (CBS News Published June 13, 2018-video).

So, when we see children going against parents, men fighting against women, women fighting against men, women fighting against women, whites fighting against blacks, blacks fighting against whites, rivalry in sports, people being unfriendly and not showing compassion for one another, hostile and bullying attitudes, people constant disagreement and engaging in obstructive behaviors (violence with and of police); none of these things are natural people. We are all under a demonic attack in this universe.

In Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I have a Dream” speech, and I will quote: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Did you hear my last seven words? I quoted Dr. King’s message when he said, “by the content of their character”. What are we seeing as well as doing in today’s world? We are all constantly judging one another’s “characters”. We are in constant opposition with one another. We are not fulfilling the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But that is not by our own choices either, that is totally involuntary and our character and behaviors are being directed by the Spiritual Warfare that we are undergoing with the Demonic attacks on our minds. Remember, I told you just a few days ago about the demonic attack on my mind whilst an employee at the SC State Ethics Commission. “There are demonic beings who sometimes, at will, affect the minds and wills of people; a severe form of Cosmic parasites” (Demonic Influence: The presence of Cosmic Parasites).

The White Republicans in the White House who has always been the majority race with the power to control all of the laws in this nation will do anything to maintain power over people which give them the power over the money and wealth in this Nation. They were not about to adhere to the Civil Rights Acts that was enacted July 2, 1964 by the labor law in the United States that outlaw’s discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. To do so would mean for them to relinquish their power of authority over people and money. They want to maintain the Slave Master mentality. This is the reason why so many of our Black brothers and sisters are incarcerated now. It is to control people. With less black people freely walking on the streets of America using theirs voices that give them the right to vote in this nation, the better their chances are for the White Republicans to win political seats, make and pass laws that are beneficial to their pockets and bank accounts.

The powerful voices of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and Malcom X are still ringing in the ears of many people of this world on today. Dr. King stated, and I quote: “ One day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of it’s creed….that all men are created equal”. Although we have made great stride, we are not yet there but we can most certainly get there by educating ourselves and coming together on issues at hand, knowing your rights and most importantly, be strong enough to stand up for your given rights as a human being on this earth. Do not live your lives in fear because we adults have to do what we might think is hard or difficult for the sake of our children and grandchildren and the generations coming behind us. White society banks on our people not standing up out of fear of losing that Mercedes Benz or Range Rover, not losing that spacious modern house, losing that cushy job that affords you the ability to purchase those designer clothing or the most advancements in technology.

This is why the Democratic Black Caucus of South Carolina has been established. We are a nonprofit organization that aim to educate Africian Americans in South Carolina. Our issues and concerns must be met if our votes are to be cast. There will be “No blue wave without Black vote.” The Black people are not to be taken for granted, especially specific issues such as: Criminal Justice, Reforms, Reparations, Reproductive Rights, Voting, Low Income, Wages, Insurance/Healthcare. Our communities must have economic equality and economic empowerment.

We, as African Americans, demand to have a seat at the head of the table or at the table to be included on every major decision that reflect upon and have an impact (small or large) on the African American communities. All power is tied to those who are in power, so this is where we need to be winners, that is, to let every issue be approached with a Win Win mentality and outcome, ONLY. This is the only way goals will be reached and achievements will be made. Let us break every barrier that has been blocking our people. We are currently looking for members in droves to come out and be educated throughout the State of South Carolina, come in with that Warrior Mentality” with the ultimate outcome of winning.

People we must all have a “Warrior Mentality” if we are going to win battles. Battles are not won by being a whemp, afraid to state your opinion on a matter. We cannot continue to sit back and just let things happen. Our “Path to Power” is from a quote that reads, Dream like Martin, Fight like Malcom, Lead like Harriet, think like Maya, build like Madame C. J., Speak like Frederik, educate like Booker, Resist like Assata, Challenge like Rosa, and a Democratic Black Caucus of South Carolina member wanted to add, Agitate like Ida B. Wells

In conclusion, I will leave this message with you about and by Malcom X:

Malcolm X believed equal rights is best achieved by African Americans building a metaphorical wall around the black community. African Americans should only buy from black businesses, vote for black politicians, and attend black schools.

“We don’t go for segregation. We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours.” — Malcolm X

He advocated for black power in retaliation to white power. He saw how white people were proud of their color and he wanted that same pride for his own people. His dream was not of an integrated society. His dream was of a separate, thriving, black community.

“Segregation is that which is forced upon an inferior by a superior. Separation is done voluntarily by two equals.” — Malcolm X

Source: Demonic Influence: The presence of Cosmic Parasites. Retrieved August 16, 2018 from

CBS News Published June 13, 2018. Racist tirade in nail salon. Retrieved August 16, 2018 from

Galli, A. (n.d.) M.L.K. vs. X. | Judge Me by the Color of My Skin or by the Content of My Character Retrieved August 16, 2018 from

New York Post. (2017) Botched manicure sparks vicious salon fight. Retrieved on August 16, 2018 from

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