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The Nation Today Under the Trump’s Corrupt Administration

Writer's picture: gordondeleeconsultgordondeleeconsult

By Marjorie A. Gordon-DeLee, MA (December 7, 2018)

The world as it is on today, is it getting better or is it getting worse? The amount of scandals that are coming out of the White House is horrendous to say the least. Since the Administration of Barack Obama ended as for his presidency with all of the many contributions that the Obama Administration made for the betterment of mankind out of his scandal free Administration, the current Administration has neglected to meet the needs of the people of this nation.

Donald Trump’s Administration has made the White House into an administration of corruption and scandals. Matthews (2018) reported about the corruption of the Trump’s administration; it is so corrupted that it cannot get the White House clean enough really to actually conduct any official business for America on behalf of bettering the lives of the poor people of this nation.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 33 people and three companies that we know of — the latest being former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.
That group is composed of five former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including now all five former Trump aides) have pleaded guilty.
It also counts investigations that Mueller originated but then referred elsewhere in the Justice Department, you can add a plea deal from one more person to the list.
It’s a sprawling set of allegations, encompassing both election interference charges against overseas Russians, and various other crimes by American Trump advisers (Prokop, 2018).

With that being said, can anyone really see real business being conducted for the people of this nation? The only news that is being reported that is not really news worthy (news helpful for the people) is all about scandals and corruption in the White House. People want to hear what is being done to help the poor and impoverished people. People who’s having a difficult time paying rent, utilities, buying food for their children, and quite frankly just meeting their basic needs. We have those individuals in this nation who’s in need of healthcare and of course there is always the jobless, underpaid, and the homeless people of this nation, who are homeless unnecessarily.

If these Millionaires and Billionaires are no longer running this nation supposedly for the people, we can get some real help for the suffering with people (Democrats) who actually know about suffering. We need people in the White House who have experienced all of these needs of people that are plaguing this nation on today. How can anyone identify with those who are less fortunate if they have never been without?

Then there is the overt racism that has gotten completely out of hand once again as it was years past during the Civil Rights Movement

and Slavery of course, we cannot ever leave out Slavery. Trump’s Administration has brought racism back 100 folds in America and it does appear to be a linking contribution of racism, unfair and unequal treatment that is being performed all throughout this world. Within that context alone, everyone should be able to see what is happening in this world today. It is not getting better, but worse as indicated in the passage below:

In Hungary, the increasingly authoritarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, has started building a wall to keep out immigrants and holding migrants in detention camps where guards have been filmed flinging food at them as if they were zoo animals. In Italy, the anti-immigrant Northern League, led by a politician who has attacked the pope for calling for dialogue with Muslims, is polling at more than three times its 2013 level, making it the country’s third most popular party. And in Finland, the Finns Party — which wants to dramatically slash immigration numbers and keep out many non-Europeans — is part of the government. Its leader, Timo Soini, is the country’s foreign minister.
These politicians share Trump’s populist contempt for the traditional political elite. They share his authoritarian views on crime and justice. But most importantly, they share his xenophobia: They despise immigrants, vowing to close the borders to refugees and economic migrants alike, and are open in their belief that Muslims are inherently dangerous.
These parties’ values are too similar, and their victories coming too quickly, for their success to be coincidental. Their platforms, a right-wing radicalism somewhere between traditional conservatism and the naked racism of the Nazis and Ku Klux Klan, have attracted widespread support in countries with wildly different cultures and histories (Beauchamp, 2017).

Just as the wall that Donald Trump wants to build at the Mexico border that he promised during his campaign:

Donald Trump is setting out to fulfil one of his key campaign promises, with an executive order to build his proposed wall along the US-Mexico border.

To restrict illegal immigration, Mr. Trump has promised to build a wall on the southern US border and to deport illegal migrants living inside the United States (Graham and Midgley, 2017).

If that statement above does not build hatred and divide in this nation between the people with the many other hate driven comments made by Donald Trump, it may be difficult to know what else to tell you. But, then again, I do, read below:

The ongoing surge of immigrants — especially those who venerate a different prophet or have a darker skin tone — is triggering a fierce right-wing backlash around the West. In the US, the anger about Latino immigration has linked up to another racial anxiety: Many white Americans believe their privileged status is being eroded by the past half-century of moves toward treating African American as truly equal citizens (Beauchamp, 2017).

None of this sounds as if the world today is getting better. It is getting worse and that is a bad thing. With time, everything is supposed to improve. We all work in our lives to improve things every day; in our personal lives, in our homes, in technology, etc. We are not to go back in time. The world is to move forward, into the future, and not backwards into an ugly time in this nation. And Slavery was definitely an ugly time for the Black people in this nation.

Therefore, why is the Trump administration wanting to regress back in time to where there was so much hatred for the African American people and treated less than animals. The meaning behind that statement is because of the mass incarceration of the African American people (both men and women).

Black Americans were incarcerated in state prisons at an average rate of 5.1 times that of white Americans, the report said, and in some states that rate was 10 times or more. The US is 63.7% non-Hispanic white, 12.2% black, 8.7% Hispanic white and 0.4% Hispanic black, according to the most recent census (Puglise, 2016).

We, as a nation, cannot regress. With that being said, we cannot allow the Trump Administration to teared down what people like Congressman John Lewis, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and countless others fought for to improve this nation so that we all could be treated as we should without having to beg for and that is our rightful human right.

Moreover, there is the issue that extreme weather is shrinking the planet.

McKibben (2018) discussed the wildfires, heat waves, and rising sea levels, and how the large tracts of the earth are at risk of becoming uninhabitable. But the fossil-fuel industry continues its assault on the facts. All of this is important to take into consideration when we are answering the question, “is the world today getting better or is it getting worse?” See the passage below that was extracted from McKibben (2018):

Such efforts help explain why, in 2017, the growth of American residential solar installations came to a halt even before March, 2018, when President Trump imposed a thirty-per-cent tariff on solar panels, and why the number of solar jobs fell in the U.S. for the first time since the industry’s great expansion began, a decade earlier. In February, at the Department of Energy, Rick Perry—who once skipped his own arraignment on two felony charges, which were eventually dismissed, in order to attend a Koch brothers event—issued a new projection in which he announced that the U.S. would go on emitting carbon at current levels through 2050; this means that our nation would use up all the planet’s remaining carbon budget if we plan on meeting the 1.5-degree target. Skepticism about the scientific consensus, Perry told the media in 2017, is a sign of a “wise, intellectually engaged person.”
Of all the environmental reversals made by the Trump Administration, the most devastating was its decision, last year, to withdraw from the Paris accords, making the U.S., the largest single historical source of carbon, the only nation not engaged in international efforts to control it. As the Washington Post reported, the withdrawal was the result of a collaborative venture. Among the anti-government ideologues and fossil-fuel lobbyists responsible was Myron Ebell, who was at Trump’s side in the Rose Garden during the withdrawal announcement, and who, at Frontiers of Freedom, had helped run a “complex influence campaign” in support of the tobacco industry (McKibben, 2018).

It is important that we, as a nation, meaning all of the grassroot citizens work alongside their elected officials to continue to use their voices to help end the corruption in the White House with the Trump Administration. Donald Trump must be impeached. Big money should never be a driving force behind providing the assistance to the needs of the people in this democracy.

Ending Citizens United, impeaching Donald Trump, and removing all corruptions out of the White House will be a start in continuing the progression in this world in advancement and meet the needs of the people. But the White House must be clean of all the dishonesties so that Congress can be representative of a government of elected officials who are ethical, honest, trustworthy and have integrity. Additionally, the elected officials who represent the people of this nation need to care about the people who they serve and that is ALL the people, not just the rich or those of one race. In Donald Trump’s mind, it is only the White race that he is primarily concerned with. That is to say, the elite White race.


Beauchamp, A. (2017). White riot. How racism and immigration gave us Trump, Brexit, and a whole new kind of politics. Retrieved on December 6, 2018 from

Graham, C. and Midgley, R. (2017). Mexico border wall: what is Donald Trump planning, how much will it cost and who will pay for it? Retrieved on December 7, 2018 from

Matthews, D. (2018). 23 charts and maps that show the world is getting much, much better. Retrieved December 7, 2018 from

McKibben, B. (2018). How extreme weather is shrinking the planet. Retrieved December 7, 2018 from

Prokop, A. (2018). All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far. Retrieved December 7, 2018 from

Puglise, N. (2016). Black Americans incarcerated fie times more than white people-report. Retrieved on December 7, 2018 from

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